If you are willing to strive, there is a way to go beyond all the limitations that are considered human.
-- Sadhguru --
If you are curious about your own destiny, you may have read up on horoscopes or zodiac horoscopes.
It brings about a bit of fun, and doesn't hurt anyway regardless of whether the readings are accurate or not. Readers have fun taking their birth dates and matching it to the horoscopes / constellations they belonged to, and then comparing it to their personality / traits and / or to subsequently look up their weekly horoscopes to predict their future.
As you know, there are twelve constellations. Similarly, there are twelve zodiacs, but the method of classifying the zodiacs and the constellations is different. The constellations are distinguished by the month and day of birth, while the zodiac is based on each given year with 12 animals used as representatives, such as the zodiac for 2020 is the mouse, the zodiac for 2021 is the cow, etc. It is not difficult to see that the method of distinguishing the zodiacs is far simpler than that for the constellations. In fact, in ancient times, there was no such thing as "Zodiac-based luck". This was but a “trendy and trashy” product that was introduced and with the advent of paper and printing technologies, became widely available.
But both the "Zodiac-based luck" and "Constellations-based luck" have one thing in common. Both are easily understood by readers, who can in a few minutes, quickly look up their fortunes based on their "Zodiac" or "Constellations".
It is not my intention to put down the constellations or the zodiacs. In fact, both of them are underpinned by deep teachings / knowledge. For example, behind the "Constellations" is a huge topic in astrology studies, while the "Zodiac" is underpinned by bazi studies. "Constellations" and "Zodiacs" were introduced to meet the demand for instant gratification, to be able to quickly find out about their fortune. It would surely not be as popular (or unpopular) if one has to spend days to learn and then assess one’s fortune / destiny.
其實算起來,「占星學」的名氣要比「八字學」大一點,占星學可以用於推算個人的命運(Natal Horoscope)、推算國際時局(Mundane Horoscope)、擇日辦事(Election Horoscope)、甚至小至占卜一件事(Horary Horoscope)。八字學則主要用來推算個人命運,雖然偶爾也有人用在占卜與擇日用途上,但推算方法分別很大,所以可視作另一門學問。
In fact, "Astrology" is probably more well known than "Bazi". Astrology studies can be used to assess one’s personal destiny, the international current situation, election outcomes or even small incidents / outcomes. Bazi is mainly used to estimate personal destiny although it is occasionally used by some for divination and day selection as well but the assessment methodologies vary very differently.
Among Chinese fortune-telling tools, there are Bazi, Ziwei Doushu, Qizheng Siyu (Chinese Astrology)... etc. Bazi is the most common tool among them. I have spent considerable time on these studies, and hope to share them with you here. We can also consider it as an exchange of cultures.
我的中文並不好,幸得好友 JT 替我做英語翻譯,在此我一再感謝他。並祝他事事如意。
My Chinese is not good and the translation here has been provided by my friend, JT. I thank him again for his help and wish him all the best in his endeavours.
Yan Chan 陳一言